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Customer story: Helkama
The recruiting team at Helkama Bica was looking for product engineering competence and decided to collaborate with Pointer Potential to find that competence. The team at Helkama Bica, Maija Rasinkangas, Martin Asplund and in front from the left Sven Heilbron...
Organizations could do better in creating job environments with fair opportunities for all
Yesmith Sánchez moved to Finland from Mexico in pursuit of a job, she ended up studying and in various internships and is now working as a DEI consultant to support organizations in their work to transform DEI into action.What has your educational and professional...
Finnish values are great – we need immigrants to sell this abroad
Frank Berenschot came to Finland from the Netherlands to be with his Finnish girlfriend, since then he has been interning, studying and working. This is his story.What has your educational and professional journey in Finland been like? I moved here from the...
Pointer Potential in the news
Pointer Potential löytää osaajia työvoimapulasta huolimatta – ”Yritykset ihmettelevät minkä kannon alta löydämme huippuosaajia”
Vaasa Insider 22.6.2022
Suomessa on heti tarjolla tuhansien koulutettujen maahanmuuttaneiden osaaminen
Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön verkkopalvelu 10.9.2021
Suomessa on jo nyt tuhansia koulutettuja maahanmuuttajia, joille työpaikkojen ovet eivät aukea: Diplomi-insinööriksi valmistunut Perez Okah työskenteli kaksi vuotta siivoojana
Helsingin Sanomat 3.9.2021
Webinar: Finland – The Impossible Dream for Foreign Professionals?
Helsingin Ekonomit 12.5.2021
Ainakin nämä asiat kannattaa selvittää kun on palkkaamassa osaajia ulkomailta
Kauppalehti 4.11.2020